SELECT /* FROM Ref = Reference period (2015-2019) average age-specific death rates JOIN D = Population estimates and actual deaths for 2021-2023 */ D.CountryCode, D.Yr, D.Week, D.DTotal AS Actual, (Ref.R0*D.Pop0) + (Ref.R15*D.Pop15) + (Ref.R65*D.Pop65) + (Ref.R75*D.Pop75) + (Ref.R85*D.Pop85) AS Projected FROM ( SELECT -- Average age-specific rates for reference period 2015-2019 CountryCode, Week, Avg(R0_14) AS R0, Avg(R15_64) AS R15, Avg(R65_74) AS R65, Avg(R75_84) AS R75, Avg(R85p) AS R85 FROM Output2_11_2023 -- The flat file downloaded from WHERE Sex='b' AND Yr > '2014' AND Yr < '2020' GROUP BY CountryCode, Week ) Ref RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT -- Weekly deaths and population estimates for 2021-2023 CountryCode, Week, Yr, D0_14/NULLIF(R0_14,0) AS Pop0, D15_64/NULLIF(R15_64,0) AS Pop15, D65_74/NULLIF(R65_74,0) AS Pop65, D75_84/NULLIF(R75_84,0) AS Pop75, D85p/NULLIF(R85p,0) AS Pop85, DTotal FROM Output2_11_2023 -- The flat file downloaded from WHERE Sex='b' AND Yr > '2020' ) D ON (Ref.CountryCode = D.CountryCode) AND (Ref.Week = D.Week) ORDER BY D.CountryCode, D.Yr, D.Week